
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Homemade Almond Milk

When homemade becomes pop in this household, even milk is made at home. Few days ago I came across a nut milk bag and from there I got an Idea that I will try to make my milks by myself.

Also one positive side of doing homemade nut milks is that it is cheaper than buying milk from supermarket and you know exactly what is inside of it.

when you buy almond milk or coconut milk from supermarket it is really important to check the labels what's inside of the milk, since they are not always as healthy as you think. There can be lots of preservatives inside and also if you don't keep on eye the sugar level of the milk, it can be extremely high.

And one other good thing of doing your nut milk is that from the leftover pulp either it is coconut or almond you can turn it into a flour, and reuse it for example for cookies or any other kind of food you prefer

I already tried last night coconut milk and I was so happy when I realised that, it actually tasted really good so I really wanted to go to get those almonds and try it.

It is actually really simple to do it. All you need are naked/blanched almonds, water and blender. It is as easy as it sounds

1 Cup of bleached Almonds
3 Cups of fresh water

And if you like to make it sweetened, add couple of dates inside

1. Soak the almonds overnight in a bowl of water. After at least six hours rinse the water but do not dry the almonds
2. Add the almonds into blender and blend together until it looks well blended
3. Pour the liquid over a nut milk bag and squeeze all the rest of the liquid from the pulp that is left
4. Place the milk in air tight container and use it within 5 days
5. reuse the pulp to turn it into almond flour

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