
Friday, September 30, 2011

Cheese Cake

Today I woke up early and i drove to a market and bought some ingredients for a cheese cake.
Well, it could have been better, but I'm happy about it, it tastes ok :) I changed some ingredients of the recipe, so it failed a bit. And the cake didn't look so delicious : D
Below the picture is the recipe :)

100g    Voita
250g    Digestivekeksejä
5kpl     Liivatelehteä
600g    Tuorejuustoa
3,5dl    Kermaa
3,0dl    Tomusokeria
 1kpl  Verkkomelonia
1kpl     Limemehua


Sekoita kulhossa voi ja digestivekeksimurut. Sen jälkeen keksimuruseos laitetaan kakkuvuokaan, johon on laitettu leivinpaperi pohjalle ja painetaan tiiviisti tasaiseksi pohjaksi. Laita vuoka jääkaappiin jähmettymään


Laita liivatelehdet kylmään veteen n. 5 minuutiksi. Sekoita tuorejuusto ja tomusokeri isossa kulhossa tasaiseksi seokseksi. Vaahdota kuohukerma kermavaahdoksi ja lisää se sekoittamalla tuorejuusto seokseen

Purista limemehu ja soseuta meloni kattilaan ja anna niiden lämmetä. Kun seos on lämmennyt lisää liivatelehdet kuumaan seokseen ja sen jälkeen sekoita se tuorejuustomassan kanssa yhteen. Tämän jälkeen kaada seos kakkuvuokaan, kovettuneen pohjan päälle ja laita se takaisin jääkaappiin hyytymään.


Ohjetta voi muokata makunsa mukaan, jos ei pidä verkkomelonista, sen voi korvata vaikka passionhedelmällä. Kannattaa kuitenkin miettiä onko hedelmässä hedelmämehua enemmän tai vähemmän ja miettiä sitten liivatteen määrää

Now i had time to translate the recipe in English too, so here it is :) 

100g      butter
250g      digestive cookies
5         gelatine sheets
600g      philadephia cheese
3,5dl       cream
3,0dl        powered sugar
1        melon
1         lime juice


Smash cookies to small crumbs and mix it with a soft butter in a bowl. Take a cake casserole where are you gonna build the cake and cut right size of greaseproof paper on the bottom.  After that add cookie crumb-butter mixture to the cake casserole and press it tightly. Put the casserole to frigde to set up. 


Take a small bowl and fill it with cold water and add gelatine sheets in the water for 5 minutes.  Mix philadelphia and powered sugar and whip the mixture smooth. Now whip a cream and add it to philadelphia mixture and mix it. 

Press the lime juice to a pot. Peel, slice and squash the melon. Then add it to pot with lime juice and let it boil for a second. When the mixture has boiled add the gelatine sheets. (squeeze additional water off) And now mix the melon-lime mixture with philadephia and pour the mixture to the casserole. Put it back to fridge for several hours to congeal


If you want you can change the recipe, if you don't like melon. You can use passion fruit for example, or fruits you prefer. But remember you probbaly have to add more or little less gelatine, if the fruit has less juice or more

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Now the Autumn has really reached over Finland. Everything here has turned to yellow, red and brown.

About a week ago I went to Helsinki for shopping, and i actually found some clothes for Autumn (:
I bought a vest, scarf and also I got selfmade mittens!

 I also was looking for a new lip blam, and i found one from Dove. It's really nice, it makes your lips soft and it gives a nice color for your lips :)

Because of the Autumn, my Italian lessons has started, and today I have my third lesson, and i should go there. I could not wait to get there :) Even everything what we do there is way too easy, but I'm studying the book myself at home, and I'm just asking a bit help from the teacher, if I get some problems.

I went outside today, cause it was nearly first day without rain for a week. And I was in our garden, and i found some last flowers, nearly every other flowers has died already. I really wish next summer will come fast :) I miss sun and heat!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Last day of holidays

So today i did some cleaning... Under the mess i found my room! I've tried to clean up my room for several weeks and now i finally succeed! I have to admit that clean room is pretty cool, even i can live in a mess too :) Actually i found it somehow cosy, i know where all my stuffs are and don't need to look for them when i need.. Like i need to do now, after cleaning. I just can't remember where i have placed everything :/

But i did find something which has been lost for long time!

My first discovery was my old forgein magazines! I was totally forgot them. It's nice to read them again and try to understand something. But mostly im just looking the pictures, cause my language skills has got little worse lately. I've totally forgot swedish. Feels so difficult to even try to say something. I just can remember everything in Italian, but i still suck at it :)

And the second discovery was my piercing jewels and my jewel box. The box isn't so big and actually I'm not keeping there so important jewels, but apparently I've put my piercing jewels there and didn't remember it, cause i've been looking for them weeks.
 The box i bought from Sweden from a small decoration shop near the center of Stockholm.

And here's the jewels which i found inside the box. Most of them are bought last spring when i lived in Foligno, from Bijou Brigitte :)

And tomorrow i should go back to school :/ Doesn't sound exiting at all. I could stay at home way longer. But I hope weeks pass by fast and soon will be other holidays :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Night!

Today i woke up early, well at least i really tried. I had an alarm set at 9am but I got up at 11am. After a morning coffee i left to Helsinki, to do some stuff i needed to take care.
  The nomination piece left to Italy, bought some beauty stuff and i have tried to look for a part time job. But at least yet i haven't found anything what i really would want to do. Also i should get  my CV done, somehow it feels impossible to do it. I just can't find any good sentences to write down :/

While i was preparing my dinner little while ago, i did my nails with nice pink nail polish :) The color is one of my favorite of all my nail polishes. I bought it just 3 months ago from Italy, quality compare to price is really good. One bottle cost just 2,50€ (and i bought 19 different colors ) The bottle is nearly empty! It's unbelievable for a nail polish addict. I nearly never used one bottle of nail polish to the end : D

And later today I'm gonna spend a movie night with my friend :) We're gonna watch some movies and eat everything delicious what we just find from the fridge... Cupcakes, candy, dip and cucumber.
Choices for the movies which we might watch are
  •   Save the last dance
  •   In the mix
  •   Knocked up
  •   Karate kid
  •   Step up
Let's see which one are we gonna choose, or do we choose something else what's not on this list :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Matkalla kohti Italiaa...

Tänää aamulla tuli huomattua, että miun nomination käsikorussa yks niistä paloista on menny rikki, värit on lähteny puoliks miun pusuhuulista. Soitin siitä sitte stokkalle ja piti varmistaa, et saan hoidettua asian siellä, ko ei oo mahollista viiä sinne mistä se on alunperin ostettu.
 Ensin myyjä sano, että he eivät ota vastaan muista paikoista ostettuja paloja, mut si muutaman minuutin päästä ko puhelu oli lopetettu, tuli soittoa takasin päin ja tää sama myyjä sanos, että pitää vaan tuoda ko. pala stokkan koruosastolle ja pala suuntaa kohti Italiaa korjautettavaksi.
Nomination pala suuntaa Italiaa kohti ja mie jään tänne Suomeen... Tää menee kyl nyt väärten päin, ois se ihan kiva päästä johkin aurinkoisee viel, ennen ko talvi tulee tänne... Ajatukset ainaki on jossain lämpimässä auringon paisteessa ;)

And now same in English!

So this morning i noticed one of my nomination piece was broken, the colors has fade away of my lips (the picture on that piece was pink lips). I had to make a call to one shopping mall, called Stockmann to check am i able to change the piece there, cause i live far away from where i have bought it. First the lady on the phone said they only gives the guarantee for those nomination pieces which has bought from there.
 After some minutes i've had end up the call, i got a call back. And the same lady said that they are able to give a guarantee for all the pieces, doesn't matter from where it's bought. I just have to bring the piece to Stockmann and they will send it to Italy for fixing. My bracelet is going to Italy and I'm stuck in Finland :( This is so wrong... It would be nice to get somewhere warm and sunny place before the cold winter is reaching here... Well at least all my thoughts are under the sun ;)

Nyt alkaa bloggailu!

Elikkäs sain tässä muutama viikko sitte päähän, et alan pitämää ihka ensimmäistä blogiani. Ja nytte viimein sain jotain ees aikaseks, saa nähä mite ehin päivitteleen ja vielä et muistais alkaa päivitteleen.

  Postauksia tähän blogiin tulee ihan kaikesta mitä tän tytön elämässä sattuu ja tapahtuu, sähläämisistä onnistumisiin ja matkustelusta, oikeestaan ihan mistä vaan :)

Huomenna pistän tuleen ihan ensimmäisen kunnon postauksen tälle blogille, katotaa mitä saan aikaseks (: