
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Memories From Italy

I still got the photos from Italy from last December. My computer is still broken and haven't got any chance to get the photos on the blog, but for one more day I still have my boyfriends computer in my use. I am suppose to be doing my German essay, but you can always have an extra brake, even if the cut of date is tomorrow!

Anyway our holiday went kind of smoothly, relaxing visiting Verona, zoo and some small places I never visited before.
One small kind of accident happened, I hunted my knee and few days I had to stay at home doing nothing and after that we had to think what can we do that I don't need to use the knee since I had to not use it for one week.
After all the holiday was really nice, I met up with my friend from Foligno. 3 years passed that we didn't see each other, so it was about the time already!

Monday, January 30, 2017

DIY Foam Face Mask With My Boyfriend

Recently I discovered on Instagram a DIY face mask which is really easy to do, but if you want to do it by hand, you need strength !

You will need only two ingredients for this easy face mask
1 egg white
1tbps of sugar

and mix it well in a bowl until its foamy and will stay on your face. Keep it for about 10 - 15 minutes and wash it off. I find it easiest to do before you are about to have a shower, since I am a bit messy person and I always get it on my hair and after all I will be extremely sticky.

One great side of this mask is that it actually tastes nice in case you manage to get it on your mouth or in case you just want to taste it.

Farah D on Instagram

Do you know other great DIY face mask? Drop your face mask idea on the comment box! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

It's been a while

Last year beginning of December my computer broke and I still haven't been able  to fix it, so there has not been any post here on the blog.
Until now when I realised I can try to use my ipad, not sure how this will end up to be, but I can only try.

Later whenever my computer is back in use I will post lots of photos from my Italian holiday before Christmas and also here on the blog will be more animal/ hamster related post since I got a hamster on new years eve. I named my little syrian hamster as Daisy Hunt. Yes my boyfriend had huge impact of her having also surname. 

And also recently I got huge intrest to do all kind of DIY projects, beauty DIY and also building all the possible things for Daisy. Also because pet shops doesn't have that much correct size toys and stuff for syrian hamsters, they are too  small and also you might need to pay fortune about the stuff that you can build yourself with less money and eventually it is really fun, even though I'm just a beginner with these stuff and maybe they are not the most beautiful creations