
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Chocolate Cookies

I was able to bake for a long time and I did chocolate cookies! Well they didn't succeed so well, the look isn't so good, but the most important is that they taste delicious.

I found this recipe from this blog, Siirtolaisrouvana Baijerissa. It was really easy to do and you have almost all the ingredients at home almost always.

Also I was suppose to bake a cake, but I became too lazy and I will do that later, when I find a place I can call home ;) so it's gonna take a little while, but maybe it's good. I've been eating way to much during this week. In the evening I'm going back to home and we'll do some barbequing. Not the healthiest week, but up coming weeks will be not so much food so I will eat as much as I want now (:

Recipe of Chocolate cookies

250g of butter
100g of cocoa powder (cocoa) 
200g of  powdered sugar
250g of flour
2tps  of vanilla



70g of butter
200g of powdered sugar
dash of water

How to do; 
Whisk soft butter well and mix all the other ingredients into a bowl and mix with the butter. Roll the dough to saran wrap and let it stick in fridge about an hour. 

After the dough has been in the fridge cut it small pieces and bake in 175 degrees for 10 mins. 

The filling is really easy and fast to do. Whisk the soften butter and measure powered sugar, add and a bit of water. Now mix the mixture and spread between 2 baked cookies. 


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