
Monday, August 13, 2012

Some Kind of French Braid

I can't get asleep, maybe it's good, cause Im still middle of packing and cleaning up the house...but still I'm sitting aside of computer and making a post here at 1.30 am : D

I think I'm not even trying to sleep this night, I'm a bit scared and terrified of going back to Finland. I really don't know why, I should not be, there's everyone, my family and friends and there's a place what I used to call home, but I don't know do I do that anymore... well anyway, I've tried to prepare myself going back there.

I made my hair already, let's see what it will look like in a morning, hopefully it won't be huge mess ;) But I tried to do something, just to keep my hair out of my face. It became something like french braid, but it's kinda just half like that, I really don't know how to call it : D It's not that beautiful, but still like it!

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