Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Birthday wishes far ways from USA
I finally got my birthday present from Missouri, US! Tänks Emily <3 This year most of the people remembered the correct day of my birth!
Usually people remember it's on July, but now even my dad remembered, that's pretty good!
Usually people remember it's on July, but now even my dad remembered, that's pretty good!
Tomorrow it's time to go for reconstructions for the nails! I can't wait that, cause at the moment my hands are looking so horrible and maybe I'll go little around Rome and of course Im going for ice cream, it's must ;)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
European Bartender School
Now I know what I want to do next! well at least at some point. After my au pair year I will start saving for European Bartender School course! It's gonna last for 4 weeks and you can choose the place where you want to go to school.
There's some different places you can go;
That would be so great! Maybe I'm getting my interest back to work as an bartender! (: I really hope so, and I really wish Im able to do this one day (:
There's some different places you can go;
- Kos, Greece
- Phuket, Thailand
- London, Great Britain
- Sydney, Australia
- Stochold, Sweden
- Barcelona, Spain
That would be so great! Maybe I'm getting my interest back to work as an bartender! (: I really hope so, and I really wish Im able to do this one day (:
Monday, June 25, 2012
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Not quite, actually I never seen the movie, just noticed it's on the selection of Sky. But anyway in a morning I woke up late, well actually not so late, but since I came here I have almost always woke up at 8am latest. I prepared myself to go outside and took a bicycle and went to a nearest bar.
Un cappuccino e cornetto :3 I love this phrase : D Cappuccino here just is the best thing! And in Finland you can't have as good cappuccino as here, it's for sure!
After the breakfast in Italian style, I kept going around Rieti and bought a postcard for my friend! And now I was already spent almost all of my money I had with me! But I still was able to buy one stamp and the card is on the way to FINLAND!
In the end of the morning I met new swedish guy! It was really nice, and he promised to show me around the city, like nightlife and everything else in the city! (:
And now this girl is off to center (soon)!
Ciao ciaooo,
un bacione!
Un cappuccino e cornetto :3 I love this phrase : D Cappuccino here just is the best thing! And in Finland you can't have as good cappuccino as here, it's for sure!
After the breakfast in Italian style, I kept going around Rieti and bought a postcard for my friend! And now I was already spent almost all of my money I had with me! But I still was able to buy one stamp and the card is on the way to FINLAND!
In the end of the morning I met new swedish guy! It was really nice, and he promised to show me around the city, like nightlife and everything else in the city! (:
And now this girl is off to center (soon)!
Ciao ciaooo,
un bacione!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Il San Antonio
Tänään ainaki tääl Rietissä juhlittiin San Antonion päivää. Koko kaupunki oli koristeltu valoilla (joista tuli vähä mielee jouluvalot, sellassei värillisei valoja ympäri ämpäri) Pääkatu ja muutamat aukiot oli täynnä kojuja mitkö möi erillaisia ruokia, ilmapalloja, hattaraa sun muuta kaikkee mahollista krääsää.
Vaikken ookka yhtään uskonnollinen, oli ihan kiva nähä toi juhla. Kaupunki oli täynnä ihmisiä, en varmaa viel oo nähny nii paljon ihmisei yhtäaikaa tääl : D
Mut tosi outoo oli se, et siel oli joskus 7pm paikkeilla ilotulitus, kirkkaalla taivaalla, ei siitä oikeen mitää muuta nähny ko kauhiat savupilvet ja se meteli mikä niistä lähti!
Kuljin siis koko aika kamera kädessä, mut eniten kuitenki otin kuvia noista koristuksista kaduilla, kuvia jotka oli tehty värillisistä kiveistä, kukanlehdistä sun muista tollassiista asioita (samoja mitä sillon yks sunnuntai löysin, mut kuva oli vaa kärsiny ko en saanu otettua sillon aamulla kuvaa)
Vaikken ookka yhtään uskonnollinen, oli ihan kiva nähä toi juhla. Kaupunki oli täynnä ihmisiä, en varmaa viel oo nähny nii paljon ihmisei yhtäaikaa tääl : D
Mut tosi outoo oli se, et siel oli joskus 7pm paikkeilla ilotulitus, kirkkaalla taivaalla, ei siitä oikeen mitää muuta nähny ko kauhiat savupilvet ja se meteli mikä niistä lähti!
Kuljin siis koko aika kamera kädessä, mut eniten kuitenki otin kuvia noista koristuksista kaduilla, kuvia jotka oli tehty värillisistä kiveistä, kukanlehdistä sun muista tollassiista asioita (samoja mitä sillon yks sunnuntai löysin, mut kuva oli vaa kärsiny ko en saanu otettua sillon aamulla kuvaa)
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Poltetta selässä
Tänään oli ja on vieläkin taas kerran aivan ihana sää! Aamusta viestin terassilla kolme tuntia, kidutin itteäni suorassa auringon paisteessa ja nyt olo on sen mukanen! Selkä on aivan punanen, mut rajat on tullu näkyviin! Se on hyvä, tavallaan, vaikka on erittäin rumia, mut huomaa et on ruskettunu!!
Ja äsken otin pyörän esiin toista vai kolmatta kertaa ja läksin toiseen suuntaan, samalla kävin kipasemassa Conforamassa, paikka mistä löytyy melkein mitä vaa ja ei oo ees kovin pahan hintanen.
Ja äsken otin pyörän esiin toista vai kolmatta kertaa ja läksin toiseen suuntaan, samalla kävin kipasemassa Conforamassa, paikka mistä löytyy melkein mitä vaa ja ei oo ees kovin pahan hintanen.
Huomenna ois tiedossa aikanen lähtö Roomaan, menen eksymään sinne. Tarkotus ois löytää yks kauppakeskus sieltä, mut kahtoo ny mitä tulee tapahtumaa : D Tuntu ainaki et sinne o iha suht helppo päästä metrolla ja sitte bussilla... mut en sano vielä mitää ennen ko oon oikeesti päässy sinne asti!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
A Hotty Day!
In a morning I really slept till late! I catch a breakfast cappuccino and some yoghurt and then I left to look for the postoffice. And I finally got send two cards witch I was suppose to send a week ago, but it's better late than never ;)
When I arrived home I went to the balcony to get some tan, and now I got light lines! they will be even better, if I have time to lay under the sun tomorrow!
Also today I kept English lesson for Mario and actually it was pretty fun! okei, I was suppose to do it for one hour, but we had little less than that, but we had to catch the bus for the ice cream and Mario wanted to go to Via Roma to Gamestop, to buy 'Skylander'. I'm so exited! ;o
And after the gamestop, we did a visit for the church. We lighted 4 candles for Mario's Grandfather and some other people, I quite didn't undertand... but some relatives who has passed away before he was eve born.
The church was really beautiful and it was really nice to visit there, even I'm not religious at all. Best of all of the church was that it was chill, no heat!
When I arrived home I went to the balcony to get some tan, and now I got light lines! they will be even better, if I have time to lay under the sun tomorrow!
Also today I kept English lesson for Mario and actually it was pretty fun! okei, I was suppose to do it for one hour, but we had little less than that, but we had to catch the bus for the ice cream and Mario wanted to go to Via Roma to Gamestop, to buy 'Skylander'. I'm so exited! ;o
And after the gamestop, we did a visit for the church. We lighted 4 candles for Mario's Grandfather and some other people, I quite didn't undertand... but some relatives who has passed away before he was eve born.
The church was really beautiful and it was really nice to visit there, even I'm not religious at all. Best of all of the church was that it was chill, no heat!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Lorax
Today has been pretty boring & hot day! I'm suffering here, dreaming about the sea and breeze of wind!
I'm not actually working today, I just have to stay at home, cause Mario's friend came over so they're gonna play all the afternoon till the evening. I'm here just to make sure they won't disturb nonna!
Oh in a morning I went to the commune 3rd time... and I all I got was, come here again tomorrow or day after tomorrow -.- This is so difficult here! I hate Italy! : D But anyway, I hope we'll get all this paper war done soon and I'll get my Italian sim and bank account (and my wage!)
But now I'm downloading 'The lorax' the animation movie of a walrus??? I have no idea what it is, but I love it, it's so cute : D
I'm not actually working today, I just have to stay at home, cause Mario's friend came over so they're gonna play all the afternoon till the evening. I'm here just to make sure they won't disturb nonna!
Oh in a morning I went to the commune 3rd time... and I all I got was, come here again tomorrow or day after tomorrow -.- This is so difficult here! I hate Italy! : D But anyway, I hope we'll get all this paper war done soon and I'll get my Italian sim and bank account (and my wage!)
But now I'm downloading 'The lorax' the animation movie of a walrus??? I have no idea what it is, but I love it, it's so cute : D
Kuvat: Google
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
shopping and working
Once again I went to a Rome in a morning. I don't complain, it's a nice place, you can find everything you need from there and it's pretty close! You can go there and spend a morning there and come home to work for the afternoon. But better to be prepared coming back to home might take longer than going there, cause the bus broke down twice!
Now I have finished my 3 hours with Mario and today here was Igeria too, Mario's cousin. We played some board games in English and then they wanted to play something on the internet... aaannd I was able to be on Facebook at the same time ;D
I brought something niiiceee from Rome it's called Macbook pro ;) I'm in love with it! But also it ate lot of my money, but I'm happy for it. Hopefully it's not gonna brake down after few months! Let's also see, if it's that goot what I've heard.
Now I have finished my 3 hours with Mario and today here was Igeria too, Mario's cousin. We played some board games in English and then they wanted to play something on the internet... aaannd I was able to be on Facebook at the same time ;D
I brought something niiiceee from Rome it's called Macbook pro ;) I'm in love with it! But also it ate lot of my money, but I'm happy for it. Hopefully it's not gonna brake down after few months! Let's also see, if it's that goot what I've heard.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Troppo dolci!
I survived home from Foligno, even thought I almost took a wrong train in Terni : D The weekend was great and a bit sad to go back to home, but when I arrived home, it felt goot! I can't decided where I wanna be, cause at least these two place has become really dear to me!!
And in the afternoon I had to take Mario to the basket and it went pretty well, i mean traveling with a buss! At least once and when we went back home, one of Mario's friend's mom gave us a ride home (:
In the evening we went for ice cream with Mario and host dad. Troppo dolci! My host dad bought me first ice cream and then I got a small glass of Gratine or something like that, I can't remember the name correctly, for free and then we watched the football, Italy vs. Ireland and at some point I got something more, I even don't know what it was, but now I'm too full and feeling a bit bad cause so much of sweet stuff : D
And in the afternoon I had to take Mario to the basket and it went pretty well, i mean traveling with a buss! At least once and when we went back home, one of Mario's friend's mom gave us a ride home (:
In the evening we went for ice cream with Mario and host dad. Troppo dolci! My host dad bought me first ice cream and then I got a small glass of Gratine or something like that, I can't remember the name correctly, for free and then we watched the football, Italy vs. Ireland and at some point I got something more, I even don't know what it was, but now I'm too full and feeling a bit bad cause so much of sweet stuff : D
Kuvat on erittäin huonolaatusia, kon on otettu pimiässä ja Iphonella, mut kivempi et on silti ees jotain kuvei! (:
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Foligno, Home sweet home
Nyt o synttärit juhlittu ja muutenki pietty hauskaa Quintanassa. Join puolikkaan coronan ja lasin valkkaria, huikee saavutus miulle ko en tykkää kummastaka ja tänää pitäis kitata viel lisää viiniä naamaa.. saas nähä kui mont lasia/huikkaa saan tänää ales : D
Ja miltei kaikki kaveritki o käyty läpi moikkaamassa, ainaki ne läheisimmät :) Muutama päivä o viel aikaa olla tääl, mut si pitää taas jättää tälle paikalle hyvästit :( Folignosta lähteminen on aina ollu iha kamalaa, saa nähä miten ny käy. Mut toisaalta nyt se o iha erillaista ko muilla kerroilla, koska en kuiteska oo menossa nii kauas täst paikast, voin tulla aina takasin ko haluun!
Koht käyn napaamassa pari kuvaa noist quintanan lipuista. En oo itekkää täysin iha ymmärtäny mikä juttu tää on, muutako et pitää juua paljon viiniä ;D Mut tärkeintä on et hauskaa on tullu pidetyyn! (:
P.s Kuvat on ny Iphonessa, mut unhotin kokonaa et se johto minkäläpi saisin ne koneesee on rikki ja miul ei oo ko se yks johto mukan, mut pistän kuvat tulemaa perästä heti maanantaina kon pääsen kotia!
Elikkäs nyt vihdoin sain kuvat muutamien rionien lipuista. Punanen lippu valkosella ristillä oli voittaja nyt kesäkuussa ja quintana on taas si syyskuussa, saa nähä kuka silloin voittaa ;)
Ja miltei kaikki kaveritki o käyty läpi moikkaamassa, ainaki ne läheisimmät :) Muutama päivä o viel aikaa olla tääl, mut si pitää taas jättää tälle paikalle hyvästit :( Folignosta lähteminen on aina ollu iha kamalaa, saa nähä miten ny käy. Mut toisaalta nyt se o iha erillaista ko muilla kerroilla, koska en kuiteska oo menossa nii kauas täst paikast, voin tulla aina takasin ko haluun!
Koht käyn napaamassa pari kuvaa noist quintanan lipuista. En oo itekkää täysin iha ymmärtäny mikä juttu tää on, muutako et pitää juua paljon viiniä ;D Mut tärkeintä on et hauskaa on tullu pidetyyn! (:
P.s Kuvat on ny Iphonessa, mut unhotin kokonaa et se johto minkäläpi saisin ne koneesee on rikki ja miul ei oo ko se yks johto mukan, mut pistän kuvat tulemaa perästä heti maanantaina kon pääsen kotia!
Elikkäs nyt vihdoin sain kuvat muutamien rionien lipuista. Punanen lippu valkosella ristillä oli voittaja nyt kesäkuussa ja quintana on taas si syyskuussa, saa nähä kuka silloin voittaa ;)
having fun,
Sijainti: Lontoo
Ostello Piarantoni, Foligno,PG, Italia
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
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