
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

shopping and working

Once again I went to a Rome in a morning. I don't complain, it's a nice place, you can find everything you need from there and it's pretty close! You can go there and spend a morning there and come home to work for the afternoon. But better to be prepared coming back to home might take longer than going there, cause the bus broke down twice!

Now I have finished my 3 hours with Mario and today here was Igeria too, Mario's cousin. We played some board games in English and then they wanted to play something on the internet... aaannd I was able to be on Facebook at the same time ;D

I brought something niiiceee from Rome it's called Macbook pro ;) I'm in love with it! But also it ate lot of my money, but I'm happy for it. Hopefully it's not gonna brake down after few months! Let's also see, if it's that goot what I've heard.

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