
Monday, November 28, 2011

A Start for the next 6 awesome weeks

Allora, now the wedding has passed away, and it was a real disaster! No one didn't know nothing about anything! Not even the groom, so well planned wedding. But anyway we survived well. Now there's missing just the judgement, we couldn't do that cause we didn't have all the papers. But it will be done by this week.
And at the moment the Italians has landed to Helsinki-Vantaa airport. And tomorrow we get to spend time with them and get know each other. It's gonna be hard to wait entire day that : D But maybe we'll manage it somehow ;) From now on we're able to speak Italian for 6 weeks! Nearly that  time which I lived in Italy!
On thursday I have 'wine test'. I have to know everything about wines and grapes... I don't have time to study for that. I wish I have good luck cause I have done that test once already, last year. But our teacher won't believe us (he's not the same teacher than last year) so we have to do that again :/
Now I might not be able to post anything at least before next sunday. Cause my friend broke my laptop and I'm not able to write with it. But probably we're going to buy a new one on sunday, it's not sure, but I try to get new one as soon as possible, there's just little problems with that. Let's see what will happen.. I hope the best!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I'm about to have breakdown! The weddings are in two days, on Saturday and the groom sent the schedule yesterday. Tomorrow we should be decorating and placing all the tables and just make all the possible things ready for the big day. But we haven't got nearly any information of anything. We do know something, but the problem are tables... Place is small and there's some couches which we have to use. This evening I'm gonna spend with the weddings.

I'm happy my friend is coming here tonight and she's gonna stay over the night. Something else to think than stress and school :) But I'm gonna manage all this, and after Saturday, there's less to stress (:

Tomorrow morning I'm going to see the place where the Italian students from Foligno will stay. We have planned a schedule for them yesterday. We're gonna do a little Helsinki tour for them with trams, we're gonna spend the independent day with them, with Mexican food, tortillas... nami ;) And of course we have to take them out for clubs and just hanging out with them (: I will miss some school because of them, but I really don't care. Atm I think it's more important to make the Italians comfortable and I don't want them to get bored here. They're gonna stay in the middle of nowhere :P So we try to help them the best way we just can :) 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A job interview

In the morning I went to school and stayed there couple of hours and then I had to go to Helsinki.
It was pretty important day for me, I had a job interview. It was at 1 p.m. I left little early from school, I could have stayed a little longer there, but this was really good reason to get out of there early ;)

So in Helsinki, I was looking for the place where the interview was. I never been there or never seen the building. I just got the address... last night, mom told me to look up to a map so I would know a bit where to go, but I was so sure I would know where it is, so I didn't bother to do that. Of course when I went there, I couldn't find it :P It wasn't the street what I thought, so it took a little longer to find the right place, but I'm so happy I left little too early (: But I was on time there.

After an interview I met my friend who I wasn't seen for long time. We had really nice time and we went for a coffee twice. On the second time we were smart and went to one restaurant where our common friend is working and she was on shift so we got free coffee (:

... And about the interview, now I'm waiting a call from there and see will I have a job or not (:

Thumbs Up! ;)

Monday, November 21, 2011

My Top 10

I started to think some of my favorite stuffs which I really can't live without. I listed  them and when I was ready and I took a picture of them, I realized I forgot nearly one of my favorite stuff. It's one mug which I got from my friend from Poland a year ago for a birthday present. Ever since I have always used that mug, if it's been clean. I love it more than anything. And if I'm going to our summer cottage or I'm going for dad for little while, it's always with me (: I nearly took it to Italy, but I didn't want it to broke on the way, so I left it home then.

But now my  Top 10 list

1.Hoodie, under all the stuff. I bought it last spring, it's one of my favorite hoodie. It's really useful, cause it's men XL nearly everyone can wear it (: Something good about huge clothes ;) 

2. I pod. Has been my friend over 3 years now. Many times has tried to broke down, but in the end it has started to work again. And it has fell down from stairs many times and once it fell down from second floor to first. Hope it's gonna work for long! 

3. HTC desire, My phone, a bit over a year old. I kinda like this phone, but still every phone has own problems, and this isn't an exception. But there's all the useful and not so useful apps. 

4. My nomination bracelets. I wear them every single day. I don't know why they became so important, cause few years ago, I was totally forgotten them, and now, I'm gonna get a panic attack, if I can't find them anywhere : D 

5. Camera, Canon, but this camera in the picture is just showing that it's important for me. The camera I would wanted to be in the picture was in my hands, cause that camera what's on the hoodie, isn't that good, so I didn't wanna use it. But I'm taking photo all the time when it's possible. I love photos <3

6. Hand bag, it's just girl's best friend. You can find anything there, but no one never should go there without a permission! It can be full of secrets ;) 

7. My Italian book. It's just part of my everyday life. It helps me with the language I love the most (: It has taught me a lot, even it's not that old. 

8. My cocktail shaker and sieve. It's my passion to make drinks cocktails. I think the best way to learn all the recipes (and after that you can make your owns, well why not earlier too) is to make them and taste them, so you know how they succeed and taste ;) 

9. My mug! <3 It's love, like I said, I can't live without it. I got it from one person who is so important in my life! I'm gonna try to keep this mug unbroken as long as possible :) 

10. Titanic & testorteron. Movies which are one of my favorites. Of course I have many other favorite movies, but these two just were lucky to get on my blog :) I love spend a day watching movies and just laying on bed or couch, so if it's rainy day, it's a movie time! and also when it's not raining :) 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Paranormal friday

Tänää meil ei ollu kovin pitkä koulupäivä, päästiin kotia jo 10am. Mietittii siin si kaverin kaa mitä tehtäs loppupäivän, ko aikaa oli koko päivä. Myö päädyttiin meille, ja syötiin suklaapastaa, joka ei sit loppujen lopuks ollu nii hyvää mitä ois voinu olla, mut tulipaha kokeiltuu ja ei tarvii enää ostaa lisää : D 
 Ja josaki vaiheessa myö mentiin nukkumaa muutamaks tunniks, ko oltii nukuttu miltei kaik tunnit koulussa, tai no ne muutamat mitkä myö siel oltii. Nukuttii siinä si pari tuntii ja sen jälkee päätettii kahtoo mitä leffoi pyörii täl hetkel leffoissa. Päädyttiin Paranormal activity 3'n. 
Ja ostin muutes leffaliput ensimmäist kertaa netist : D oon ain vaa varannu niit ja huomattii et tää oli nii paljo kätevämpi tapa, ei tarvii  menn jonottelee sinne tuntii aikasemmi hakemaa niit lippui (: 

Ja siit leffast viel, se oli aika pelottava ain välil, tai tuli säikähettyy aika mont kertaa, ko ne kohtaukset tuli nii yhtäkiä! Mut se oli iha ok, ei ny nii hyvä mitä mie olin kuvitellu, mut iha katottava. 

Ja huomen ois tiedossa työkeikka koulun ravintolas, ei kiinnostais yhtää mennä sinne, mut pakko ja sit saan hoijettuu sil miun työssäoppimisen. Tai ne puuttuvat tunnit mitkä on pakko tehä, muuten ei tuu valmistumis paperei keväällä. 
Nyt kohta viel sauna päälle ja sinne rentoutumaa, vaikken ees tykkää saunasta, mut kyl sinne ain välil jaksaa raahautuu (: 


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Feet

Today has been pretty awesome day :) Everything went well, even I was so tired and was hard to stay awake.
 At school we did a small wine tasting. We tried out 3 different white wine, but I didn't like any of them. I don't drink wine, but my friend was really happy to have my wine too ;)

After school my friend came at my place and we ate a bit, and then we had to leave to one shopping mall, cause she's working there, and her shift was starting soon. We had little time to go around the mall and after a while she left and I left to Helsinki.

There, in Helsinki, I went to my previous job to see some people, and I was lucky, they all were in same shift. Usually, if I go there, no one who I want to be there, won't be. But anyway, she was just quitting and then we went to a 'Mbar' for one drink and we were talking about everything cause we wasn't seen each other since I quit my job. Also I told about the wedding I have to plan with my friend as a school project and she offered her help little bit. She told some stuff what would be useful to know, and what I might not realize to ask. And at that moment all the stress I had because of this eased away (:

Also one other awesome thing we got to know!
We're having people here from Foligno on 28 of November! I really can't wait that, we're gonna have 6 weeks together, cause they're going back to Foligno on the same day than we do and we have to host them while they're in Finland. It's gonna be awesome, I'm so anxious about this (:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Daddy's day!

Tänää siis täälä Espoossa (ja muuallaki Suomessa) vietettiin iskän päivää. Oli tarkotus mennä sinne jo eilen ja et olisin ollu sielä yön yli, mut suunitelmiin tuli muutoksia ja päädyin sinne vast tänä aamuna :)

Päivä vierähti siel aika nopeesti, syötiin lounas, tapasin iskän uuden naisystävän, katoin muutamia leffoja, syötiin kakkuu ja kahvia ja päivän päätteeks tuli viel rikottuu iskän läppäri =) Tosin se oli ollu jo rikki pikkuse, mut miun käytön jälkee ei enää suostunu meneen päälle olleska : D
Ja sain pieniä tuliaisia Tallinnasta, kaulakorun, mis on sydänriipus ja ihanan lämpimät (ainaki näyttää lämpösiltä :) tumput. Ne oliki ollu ostoslistal, jote ny ei tarvii enää menn niitäkä mettästään mistää :)

Nyt on si tultu takasin kotia, ja pitäis kai alkaa jatkamaa tekee sitä opinnäytetyötä viel, ei kyl millää huvittais, mut si se valmistuis iha vähä nopeemmin, ehkä, toivottavasti ainaki :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Christmas... Not quite yet!

All the shops has started already their Christmas... Well started little while ago, in the end of October. And now it's 9th of November and there's all the Christmas trees and all the decorations. It's way too early for Christmas! In my opinion they start Christmas way too yearly, they should wait at least nearly to the end of November. When you enter a shop, you really feel like you have skipped one month

This week has been quite full and busy. On Monday I was at my friend and I cut her hair. I'm not hairdresser or anything like that (at least not yet). I just love to cut hairs. I even cut my own hair, it doesn't always look so perfect cause it's difficult to cut your hair yourself from the back, but it's never been so horrible that I would been shamed to go outside :)

And on the next day, on Tuesday I met 2 of my friends. One was my class mate, we tried to go to library, but we really didn't end up there. And after while I went to Helsinki to see one other friend. We went for a coffee and we were just talking about everything for few hours. But then I had to go home, cause it started to be little late... and on that evening I tried to go bed early, but it little failed :> And I noticed it in a morning, I overslept, but not too bad, just about 20 mins, and I still had time to get ready for school ://

But today I really did spend over 2 hours in library with books and I actually read 16 page of one. That's a lot for me, I never read books : D But I'm so stressed of this final project and I even felt like I could stop school now (which would't be smart at all) but anyway, my friend helped me and I was happy again and I did something done, a plan about what I'm gonna write :)


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Piercing jewlry

Tänää mie aattelin postata suomeks, varmaa saatan laittaa loppuu saman tekstin pätkän enkuksi. Mut on kiva välil kirjottaa jotai suomeks, eikä vaa englanniks (:

Tänää on ollu tosi turhan olonen päivä, ei mitää tekemistä ja ei voinu lähtiäkkä mihkä shoppailee tai mitää tollast, ko kaik paikat on kiinni.
 Mut sentää nettikaupat on ollu tänäänkin auki ;) Päädyin kahtelee lävistys koruja ja oisin niin halunnu tilailla vaikka mitä kivoja koruja tono napaa killumaa, mut onnistuin olla tilaamatta mitään! Oon ylpeä ittestäni : D Kerranki ko oon päättäny etten osta mitää, pidin miun lupauksen. Mut ehkä Joulun jälkee vois jotai pientä tilailla, jos sattuis tulee jotai kivoi alennuksia ja tarjouksia, joist ei si vaa voi välttyy.

tällästä kivaa tuli bongailtua ;

Today I feel like my day has been totally wasted. I've got nothing to do entire day and I haven't been able to go anywhere, cause all the places are closed today, so no shopping or anything like that. It's some kind of holiday today.  But luckily online shopping is always an option ;) I end up to look belly button jewels and I would wanted to order so much everything for my belly button, but I didn't order anything! I'm so proud of myself : D At least once when I have decided to save money, I succeed. But maybe I could make an order after the Christmas, if there's some offers which I can't pass by ;)

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Package from Switzerland

Some days ago I got a note from the post office that I have got a bigger package than our mailbox, so I needed to go pick it up from the office.  I wasn't able to walk well, so mom went there and brought it home for me.
  I ordered one kind of coffee from Switzerland, which my friend brought for me when she was here. Well I still wasn't able to have exact same coffee, cause they were stopped producing the coffee. But my friend picked up some other good coffee ( I have to test it soon) Also she was included a letter, so I got something to read too :)
 When mom came home with the package I knew immediately it was that package which I have been waiting  for little while :)  My friend was also received my present for her because she sent the coffee. And she was really happy about that

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ricetta di panna cotta

Yesterday evening I made panna cotta and let it congeal over the night. The recipe said it should be in fridge about 5 hours. And now little while I ago I came home from school and decided to taste my panna cotta.
At least the color was good this time, not green like last time I tried panna cotta. And I didn't use the same recipe, I mixed up two different recipe which I found on internet.
Also I decided to make a red dressing for it. Strawberries or raspberries... I found strawberries (from freezer)
I really don't know what I did. I just melted them and added some kind of jelly sugar cause I didn't find any gelatin powder or anything like that. I didn't have much strawberries so I added little strawberry liquor to make little more dressing. and it was done : D I actually liked that dressing :)

Ricetta di panna cotta

100g of powdered sugar 
5dl of cream
3tsp of vanilla sugar / 1 vanilla
3 gelatin sheets 

Fill a small bowl with cold water and let the gelatin sheets be there around 5mins. And now measure all the ingredients to a kettle and heat them, but do not boil. After the 5 mins take the gelatin sheets and squeeze over left water and add to the kettle. Mix well and pour panna cotta to 6 small or 3 big dish. 
Let congeal in fridge 5-7 hours

And if you want you can make a dressing for panna cotta using different berries or fruits you like :) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Little stress

Yesterday I started stressing a lot. Our teacher at school told us about our final project. I have been stressing a little about it past 2 years and now it's time to start working on it.
I know the subject already, and it's Italian food culture, of course it's something about Italy ;) But I haven't quite understood everything I should do, but I'm happy there's a lot of time to work on it. In January I have had done 10 to 15 pages of it.
Also I hope I'm gonna have an inspiration of writing latest when I'm in Italy. Well that was one of the reasons why we booked a flight there, to go to write our final project there with friends. Awesome idea, write about where you are ;) Of course while studying and working on that project we need a little time out, so meeting friends and having fun is also great (:

I made some plans for next week :) I'm going for a coffee with my Italian friend who lives here, in Helsinki. He's helping me with my Italian and I'll try my best to help him with Finnish.
Actually I'm waiting that meeting pretty much (: