
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Feet

Today has been pretty awesome day :) Everything went well, even I was so tired and was hard to stay awake.
 At school we did a small wine tasting. We tried out 3 different white wine, but I didn't like any of them. I don't drink wine, but my friend was really happy to have my wine too ;)

After school my friend came at my place and we ate a bit, and then we had to leave to one shopping mall, cause she's working there, and her shift was starting soon. We had little time to go around the mall and after a while she left and I left to Helsinki.

There, in Helsinki, I went to my previous job to see some people, and I was lucky, they all were in same shift. Usually, if I go there, no one who I want to be there, won't be. But anyway, she was just quitting and then we went to a 'Mbar' for one drink and we were talking about everything cause we wasn't seen each other since I quit my job. Also I told about the wedding I have to plan with my friend as a school project and she offered her help little bit. She told some stuff what would be useful to know, and what I might not realize to ask. And at that moment all the stress I had because of this eased away (:

Also one other awesome thing we got to know!
We're having people here from Foligno on 28 of November! I really can't wait that, we're gonna have 6 weeks together, cause they're going back to Foligno on the same day than we do and we have to host them while they're in Finland. It's gonna be awesome, I'm so anxious about this (:

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